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Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection

Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia

Environmental Protection Agency

Ecoregister update

COBISS - Virtual library of Serbia

Database of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

RHMS - current hydrometeorological data on the territory of Serbia

Request for access to information of public importance

You have a right to know! - A Guide for High School Pupils about the Right of Free Access to Information

Zelena knjiga Elektroprivrede Srbije

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Version in Serbian language

Responsible institutions:

ED Southwest d.o.o. Niš

Address: Bulevar dr Zorana Đinđića 46а, 18000 Niš

Phone: +381 (0)18 518 500, 518 534

Fax: +381 (0)18 453 3315

Responsible person

Head of the Centre for the Protection and Security

Electric Power Industry of Serbia

Address: Carice Milice 2, 11000 Beograd

Phone: +381 (0)11 202 4818


Responsible person

Electric Company d.o.o. Kraljevo

Address: Dimitrija Tucovića 5, 36000 Kraljevo

Phone: +381 (0)36 304 398

Fax: +381 (0)36 321 429

Responsible person

Elektrovojvodina d.o.o. Novi Sad

Address: Bulevar oslobođenja 100, 21000 Novi Sad

Phone: +381 (0)21 4821 282

Fax: +381 (0)21 4821 642

Responsible person

Chief of the Service for environmental protection

Hydroelectric Power Plants Djerdap

Address: Трг краља Петра бр. 1, 19320 Кладово

Phone: +381 (0)19 801 651, +381 (0)11 3810 167

Fax: +381 (0)19 801659, +381 (0)11 380 9802

Responsible person

PD Drina Lim Hydro Power Plants d.o.o. Bajina Bašta

Address: Trg Dušana Jerkovića 1, 31250 Bajina Bašta

Phone: + 381 (0)31 864 354

Fax: +381 (0)31 862 752

Responsible person

Senior expert associate for environmental and working protection

ED Center d.o.o. Kragujevac

Address: Ulica Slobode 7, 34000 Kragujevac

Phone: +381 (0)34 370 083

Fax: +381 (0)34 370 156

Responsible person

Thermal Power Plants and Mining Kostolac d.o.o.

Address: Nikole Tesle 5-7, 12208 Kostolac

Phone: +381 (0)12 242 766

Fax: +381 (0)12 242 305

Responsible person

Chief of Service for environmental protection management

Thermal Power Plants Nikola Tesla d.o.o.

Address: Bogoljuba Uroševića - Crnog 44, 11500 Obrenovac

Phone: +381 (0)11 2054 501

Fax: +381 (0)11 8755 500

Responsible person
