Dear users, this Internet presentation was devised as an electronic database that contains available information and documents related to the field of environment, which are possessed by different institutions and organizations in Serbia. By applying various interactive search systems, users are provided with easy retrieval of the information they need, as well as with a direct access to documents that are available online, while regarding the information that is not available on the Internet, necessary contact data of responsible institutions are provided.
The simple database search option is provided in the upper part of each webpage, where the title or a part of the tile of the needed document can be entered. Furthermore, database search can be also accessed by choosing the option “Search” from the main menu and selecting one of the four basic types of search from the drop-down menu: “Advanced search”, “Search by maps”, “Index of documents” or “Index of institutions”. Using the option “Advanced search”, database can be searched by selecting the type of the document (e.g. whether the document in question is a law, a study, etc.), the topic that the document deals with (e.g. biodiversity, air quality, climate change, etc.), responsible institution, etc. By choosing the option “Search by maps”, users can access four interactive maps that present municipalities, cities, larger protected areas and the major enterprises on the territory of Serbia, and the document can be accessed by selecting responsible institution from the map or drop-down lists. Similar search option is “Index of institutions”, which presents alphabetically ordered list of all institutions and organizations that hold environmental information. “Index of documents” represents the list of all documents registered in the database.
If the searched document is already available on the Internet, it can be accessed directly through the database. If the document is not available online, database will present contact information of the responsible institution, which can be contacted regarding the access to the needed document. Users can also download the universal form for the request for access to information of public importance (download link is located on the right section of each webpage). If the responsible institution denies the access to the needed document, citizens can file a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection. Information about the Commissioner’s responsibilities and authority, description of the procedure of filing complaints, as well as links for the forms for filing complaints, can be accessed by choosing the option “Commissioner” from the main menu.
Aarhus Convention – Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
download document
Strategy for the Implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters – the Aarhus Convention ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 103/11) – in Serbian only
download document
Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2003 on public access to environmental information and repealing Council Directive 90/313/EEC
download document
Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ("Off. Gazette of RS" no. 120/04 and 54/07)
download document