Regionalni strateški plan za upravljanje otpadom sa studijom izvodljivosti, Nišavski region
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• There is document on Serbian language
Responsible institutions:
Municipality Aleksinac
Address: Knjaza Miloša 169, 18200 Aleksinac
Responsible person
president of the municipality Aleksinac / president of the Municipal CouncilMunicipality of Crveni Krst, Niš
Address: Uprava gradske opštine, Bulevar 12. februar 89, 18 000 Niš
Responsible person
Municipality of Doljevac
Address: Nikole Tesle 121, 18410 Doljevac
Responsible person
Inspector of communal services, traffic and environmental impact inspector, fire protection and safety at workMunicipality Ražanj
Address: Opštinska uprava opštine Ražanj, Partizanska bb, 37215 Ražanj
Responsible person
Municipality Svrljig
Address: Opštinska uprava opštine Svrljig, Radetova 31, 18360 Svrljig
Responsible person
City of Niš - Administration of Economy, Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
Address: Gradska uprava Grada Niša, Uprava za privredu, održivi razvoj i zaštitu životne sredine, Nikole Pašića 24, 18000 Niš
Responsible person
Head of Department of Environmental Protection; Senior Associate in the Department of Environmental Protection