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Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection

Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia

Environmental Protection Agency

Ecoregister update

COBISS - Virtual library of Serbia

Database of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia

RHMS - current hydrometeorological data on the territory of Serbia

Request for access to information of public importance

You have a right to know! - A Guide for High School Pupils about the Right of Free Access to Information

Godišnji program upravljanja zaštićenog prirodnog dobra Akademski park za 2012. - JKP Zelenilo Beograd

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Update data

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• There is document on Serbian language

Responsible institutions:

Public Utility Company Belgrade City Parks

Address: Surčinski put 2, 11070 Novi Beograd

Phone: +381 (0)11 263 0506, 712 9266

Fax: +381 (0)11 667 6776, 669 0441

Responsible person

Manager for protected areas

Spomenik prirode Akademski park

Address: JKP Zelenilo - Beograd, Surčinski put br. 2, 11070 Novi beograd

Phone: +381 (0)11 263 0506, 712 9266

Fax: +381 (0)11 667 6776, 669 0441

Responsible person